Scopus Citedness

Source: Scopus
Export Date: January 27, 2024

25 articles in the Scopus database cite selected 13 articles in CIVENSE

SRCTITLE (civil and environmental science journal)  

Source title (17):

  1. Water (Switzerland) | MDPI |Q1
  2. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | IOP Publishing Ltd.
  3. Journal of Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic SASA |Q2
  4. International Journal of GEOMATE | GEOMATE International Society |Q3
  5. Environmental Monitoring and Assesment | Springer Netherlands |Q2
  6. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) | MDPI |Q2
  7. Environmental Science and Pollution Research | Springer Science + Business Media |Q1
  8. Environmental Challenges | Elsevier BV |Q3
  9. International Journal of Geoinformatics | Association of Geoinformation Technology |Q4
  10. Cities | Elsevier Ltd. |Q1
  11. PeerJ | PeerJ Inc. |Q1
  12. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences |Q2
  13. Sustainability (Switzerland) | MDPI AG |Q1
  14. Journal of Environmental Quality | John Wiley & Sons Inc. |Q1
  15. ICAS 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Systems, Proceedings 
  16. Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Research | Maxwell Scientific Publications | Q4
  17. Cogent Social Sciences | Cogent OA | Q2