Mapping of tourism potential and assessment of development stages in Sidomulyo Tourism Village, Batu City


  • Widya Rizka Augusty Brawijaya University
  • Aris Subagiyo Brawijaya University
  • Wawargita Permata Wijayanti Brawijaya University
  • Gunawan Prayitno Brawijaya University



ourism-Village-Aspect, Development-Stage, Sidomulyo-Tourism-Village


The Batu City Government is currently developing a tourism Village. The policy was adopted in the strategic plan of the Batu City Tourism Office in the field of tourism product development by increasing the number of tourism villages that have the adequate infrastructure; one of them is Sidomulyo Village. The success of developing a tourism village can be seen in the benefits of managing a tourism village to improve the welfare of the local community. Tourism villages can develop optimally if the area's potential can be identified properly. Therefore, this research was conducted to identify the tourism potential of Sidomulyo Village and assess the stages of its development as a tourism village in Batu City. The sample used in the study is the stakeholders selected by considering the sample are individuals who understand the actual conditions of the development of Sidomulyo Village as a tourism village and are involved in the management of tourism villages. The scoring analysis technique is used to assess the development stages with a variable in the form of a tourism village aspect. The research shows that Sidomulyo Tourism Village is in an advanced stage based on the highest score for the attraction aspect, while the lowest for the information aspect and institutional aspect.

Author Biographies

Aris Subagiyo, Brawijaya University

Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Wawargita Permata Wijayanti, Brawijaya University

Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Gunawan Prayitno, Brawijaya University

Department of Urban and Regional Planning


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How to Cite

W. R. Augusty, A. Subagiyo, W. P. . Wijayanti, and G. Prayitno, “Mapping of tourism potential and assessment of development stages in Sidomulyo Tourism Village, Batu City ”, CIVENSE, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 96–106, Apr. 2022.


